Re/code "Cruising the Carpool: Are Lyft Line and UberPool the New Tinder?" 9-3-2015
Gigaom "Over 1,000 people showed up to Product Hunt's massive happy hour" 1-23-2015
Gigaom "I snuggled with a stranger using new app Cuddlr, and my fellow cuddlee had a gun" 9-29-2014
PandoDaily "From coding to the catwalk, this high fashion model has a secret double life" 1-2-2014
PandoDaily "The line between hype and pessimism: 24 hours in Detroit with Steve Case" 6-25-2014
CounterPunch "The scene at Ground Zero" 5-3-2011
The Nation "The Price of Art" 5-25-2011